Atlassian Consulting Services

Bring Agility and Productivity to Your Teams with Atlassian Cloud

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Bring Agility and Productivity to Your Teams with Atlassian Cloud

Thinking about moving to the Atlassian cloud from on-premise? We know how complex the process can get—irrespective of whether you use an Atlassian server or data centers.
This is where our Atlassian-certified experts can help. Migrate to the Atlassian Cloud seamlessly and take advantage of any high-quality cloud hosting solution with the scalability and dependability it offers.

Agility and Productivity with Atlassian Cloud

Why Atlassian Cloud

Managing and hosting your self-managed deployment is one thing, but businesses can also use the Atlassian Cloud to run applications like Jira, Confluence, and Bitbucket.
Atlassian Cloud provides businesses the ease of an instantly accessible Jira instance that needs minimal setup and automatic upgrades for your Atlassian products.
With a tiered pricing approach, dependent on the number of users accessing your instances the most, it’s an excellent option for enterprises with significantly fluctuating demands month to month. 

Want to see it at play?

Read the Case Study

Six Steps to Innovation with Atlassian

Want to move to the Atlassian Cloud but wondering where to begin? We’ve got you covered with a six-step approach.


In this phase, we will help you evaluate the differences between cloud and self-hosted Jira deployments to determine if you have the best solutions you need. We can help you assess where you stand with its app evaluation tool that lists every app installed on your server and their versions available on the cloud, feature parity, and the migration pathway.

Atlassian Cloud Migration Assessment


In the planning phase, you can create a migration strategy based on the complexity of your data and the number of users you have. We begin by taking stock of the intricacy of your Jira server to cloud conversion by prioritizing which products, users, and apps need to be moved. This maintains a clear customized roadmap during the migration, all while keeping minimal downtime.

Atlassian Cloud Migration Planning


In the preparation phase, we help businesses prepare the data to move to the cloud and communicate the strategy in place to teams and stakeholders. Once we have a set plan and an expected timetable, we help communicate the specifics of your migration to relevant stakeholders. This helps them to be prepared for the move better while continuing their work with minimal disruption.

Cloud Migration Preparation

Test Migration

In the test migration phase, you can clean up your server instance, test the functionality of the data migrated and apps. We also help you keep an eye out to leave behind or simplify inactive apps or users and outdated product data like projects, modifications, workflows, or duplicate data. We also confirm whether the self-managed instance and the stored data on your cloud site are backed up. This ensures simplicity and cuts the chances of data loss.

Test Cloud Migration

User Acceptance Testing

In the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Phase, we check whether everything works as expected and as per your business needs. It allows your end users to reproduce typical daily actions, assist your teams in getting ready to work in the cloud, and make sure that the systems function as intended.

User Acceptance Testing

Production Launch

In the production launch phase, you can address any last-minute concerns and transfer your data and users to the cloud. During this phase, we help you conduct production migration, transfer your users and data to the cloud, ensure that pre-migration checklist is finished, and test migration thoroughly for smooth working.

Production Launch

Cloud Migration through JCMA/CCMA

JCMA/CCMA is a free Server/DC tool that can help you plan and test your transition to the cloud. This includes the flexibility to just migrate the data and users you wish to maintain, pre-flight error testing, and—most importantly—App Assessment, which enables you to identify which apps are available in the cloud and the migration routes for them. You can perform numerous test migrations in advance to make sure everything functions properly before making the transfer because using the migration aids does not delete any data from your server/DC license.

Atlassian Cloud Migration FAQs

The process involves migrating data from various sources like on-premises installations and self-hosted environments to seamlessly integrate Atlassian Cloud with other tools and systems, including connections with CI/CD pipelines, version control systems, third-party apps, and more.

During the migration, we also help recreate custom workflows and project configurations to maintain existing processes while optimizing resource allocation and monitoring usage.

By moving to Atlassian cloud, your business will be able to reap several benefits including cost savings, scalability, improved accessibility, and positive ROI (Return on Investments).

Yes. We provide customers with training and education, including workshops, webinars, and documentation they need for an effective migration roadmap, customized to their specific requirements. While the duration of user training and adoption has been relegated to a period of 1-2 weeks, the timeline can vary significantly depending on the size and complexity of your migration.

Migration timelines can vary, depending on the complexity of your migration, the strategy you choose, the budget, and resources you allocate to the project. To give you a rough estimate, these are the migration timeframes we typically see:

  • Up to 1,000 users: 3 to 6 months
  • 1,000 to 5,000 users: 6 to 9 months
  • 5,000+ users: 9 to 12 months

A cloud-to-cloud migration will migrate data from one cloud site to another without overwriting any existing data. This means you can migrate data to a new site or a site with existing data. To avoid duplication when you migrate multiple times, we’ll try to link any data that’s already been migrated.

In cloud-to-cloud migrations, we save a record of each entity (e.g., workflow or custom field) that is being migrated for the first time. In subsequent migrations to the same destination site, we check if a record of that entity already exists and if the entities are identical (meaning they have the same underlying properties).

During cloud-to-cloud migration, we save your migration once you reach the step that checks for conflicts. Once saved, the migration appears in the dashboard for you to track and monitor its progress. We take privacy seriously and only store migration data for 14 days from when a migration is created, after which it expires and is inaccessible.