Scaling up the BIG Mountain: Big Data Predictions

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By proving its importance, big data has become the buzzword. On this domain, we have the toddlers on one hand who are into the early stages of data migration and analysis, and the corporate giants who are scaling the big mountain on a rapid pace on the other. Big data has its claws over all the verticals, be it retail, life sciences, energy and utilities or healthcare. This year will witness eminent advancements in big data and its peripherals, for the amount of data generated will be too BIG. Here are some prophecies for Big Data.

Gain in Clientele

Big data has entered its early teenage. The blend of social data, mobile apps, reports and transaction histories give organizations a glimpse of future and make decision making a cake walk. Subsequently, organizations are gently adopting and shifting towards it, leading to a huge expansion in big data user base. Enterprises that realize that the key to advancement is foreseeing the future through data analytics, will lead and will have a smoother ladder for growth.

Technological Elevation

Gartner predicts that an advanced form of machine learning called ‘Deep Neural Nets’ will create systems that can autonomously learn to perceive the world on their own. The day is near where machines will have emotions and understanding of its own.

Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning will earn prominence this year. The combo will bring forth a drastic change in organization structure as it will curtail the time spent on analyzing, leading to automation of jobs.

Spark to Flame

Large scale data processing becomes a tedious task for organizations due to the complexities involved with various database types across multiple systems. Spark helps organizations to overcome it. Apache Spark is the rising star in big data open-source project due to its speed and convenience for users. Spark delivers significantly increased data processing speed compared to Hadoop. Analyst firm Ovum says that “SQL reigns supreme for big data analytics, but Spark is growing fast”. It has turned out to be the most treasured big data platform for a number of organizations.

IoT Syncing up with Cloud and Big Data

Internet of Things is real and will be a huge data muncher. When the convergence between IoT, Cloud and Big Data occurs, the data can be managed and analyzed efficiently. Massive amounts of information is generated from IoT deployment. With this, the big shots in the industry are focusing on breathing life into IoT, to assist the movement of huge data seamlessly to the cloud based machines. IoT offers an opportunity to gather relevant information which could prove extremely useful to businesses.

Rising Demand of Data Scientists

With Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning reigning geographies and industries, getting the most out of these new technologies, require experts. Automated statistical validation tools can fill the gap only up to a certain extent. Hence, there is and will be a huge demand for data scientists. Enterprises are facing challenge recruiting data science experts. The hunt for talent have put pressure on universities for creating new programs for data science and machine learning. Organizations are heading for internal hiring to train existing staff on analytics and data science.

Irrespective of the size of the organization, big data will be seen helping businesses with their growth and success. The emerging trends will become industry’s best practices and as the saying goes “early bird gets the worm”, the early adapters will make the best out of it.

Safe Harbor Disclaimer

Facts and statements in this article are taken from Gartner, IDC, Tableau, Forbes, IBM, Forrester and Ovum research and are publicly available information. Some of the statements are “forward-looking statements” and are subject to material risks and uncertainties. Such statements are based on the current trends and assumptions, some of which are beyond CTE’s control. CTE undertakes no duty to update any statement in light of new information or future events.

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